Free Fiber Group Meet-Ups!

Join your friends, meet new friends, learn from pros. EVFAC offers free fiber groups. These groups are not classes, though we’ve never met a fiber artist that isn’t there to share and help with tips, techniques, and tricks of the trade! These groups are open, and free to all. Please come ready to create beautiful art, new friendships, and lasting memories. All groups meet in person at EVFAC. Any changes will be announced both here and on our social media pages so don’t forget to follow us online!

Spinning Adventures: Meets Every Second Saturday of the month from 12pm-3pm.

Next meetup: April 12, 2025

Join our adventurous crew and get started on your spinning and fiber journey. No experience or equipment is needed (But if you have your own equipment/fibers feel free to bring them with you!)

Spinning Adventures is led by Glenna Dean of the Abiquiu Dye Studios. Glenna Dean is a master dyer, spinner, and weaver and is very involved in the New Mexican Fiber Arts community. This is a wonderful group; stop procrastinating and join us at the next Spinning Adventures!

Spinning Adventures

UFO’s: Unfinished Fiber Objects with Mary Pahl

UFO’s: Meets the 4th Sunday of the month from 12:00pm-3:00pm

Next meetup: March 23, 2025

Get to work on that unfinished Fiber Art project of yours in our new monthly community fiber group. This group is led by the multifaceted fiber artist and board member Mary Pahl.

Do you have UFOs (unfinished objects) squirreled away in your closets or cupboards, a plan that didn't get off the ground? Maybe you have a knitting or crochet project sitting in a bag?

If you have a project that you were excited about in the beginning, but are not sure you like it any more, you’re in luck because we’re here to help!

Hey Northern New Mexico fiber artists: Round up all your Unfinished Fiber Objects and join our brand-new monthly group, where we will motivate and encourage each other to turn our UFOs into FOs! 

Stop by on the 4th Sunday of the month and check out our new UFO’s group. We can help each other to set and achieve goals toward finishing our projects, share our knowledge and skills, provide encouragement, and just spend time in friendly company while working on our projects. 

We can’t wait to see you there!

Rigid Heddle Loom Support Group
with Peg Ickes

Rigid Heddle Group Meets the 3rd Sunday of the month from 12:00pm-3:00pm

Next meetup: March 16, 2025

Do you have a rigid heddle loom but you’re not sure where to start?

Have you done some projects but would love the support and inspiration from other weavers to learn new skills in a fun and supportive environment?


The Rigid Heddle Support Group is a welcoming community for weavers of all levels. We share a passion for the versatile rigid heddle loom, supporting each other through problem-solving, idea sharing, and resource exchange. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month to discuss projects, explore new techniques, and push the boundaries of this "simple" yet powerful tool. All little loom weavers (RHL, Inkle...) are welcome - Come join the fun, we can’t wait to see you there!