How to Get Your Listing in the Member-Artist Gallery
Would you like to be included in our online gallery of Member-Artists?
Would you like to be included in our online gallery of Member-Artists?
Your listing could boost visibility and promote sales of your work – or it could just be a place for you to share your story and show what fiber arts mean to you. It’s your listing; use it as you like.
This may look more complicated than it really is. If you need help with any of it, please send your questions to Caroline at
If you’d like to be included, please make sure you are a current member of the Center. Then send the following to
1. Your name (required)
2. Your business name, if it’s different
3. Contact information that you want the public to see. Please be aware that posting your email or phone here may leave them open to collection by others, and you may get more spam.
4. Artist statement, short biography, or whatever story you want to tell about your fiber arts experience. This information may be edited, and you will be notified of any edits. Please send this in plain text in the body of the email, not as an attachment. (required)
5. Up to 5 images of your work, with short captions.
• Please indicate which is the featured image.
• Please send jpg format images.
• If you can work witth with image sizes, please edit your images to be 300 dpi and 5x7 at largest. If you can’t do this, don’t worry. We’ll do it for you, but it will delay your listing being posted.
• We cannot guarantee that your content will not be downloaded or copied. You may wish to watermark images.
• Please be aware that we may need to reduce the number of images shown per artist in the future because of space considerations.
6. Your location
Only your name and a statement or artist biography are required.
When your page is ready you’ll get an email with a link to the page. Please be patient with us! The Member-Artist listings are maintained by one volunteer, so there may be a delay getting your page loaded.
By submitting your content, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- You submit only content which you have the right to publish.
- You agree to allow the publication of your content on this site and in future technologies, and to its preservation for educational, scholarly, and research purposes..
- Publication of your submitted content is not guaranteed.
- The format of content submitted may be altered as necessary for presentation on this website and for space consideration, but reformatting will not alter textual content or image proportions.
- You may request that your content be removed from the website.
- You may request that your content be removed from the underlying database.