Create your Own Jazzy Notebook Cover or Jazz Bag
with Peg Ickes

Sunday, November 10th: 10:30am-3:30pm
Youth Members $10
Youth Non-Members $15
Limit: 5 Students
Ages: 9-14
Scholarships available

Come create your one-of-a-kind weaving on a rigid heddle loom! Using EVFAC rigid heddle looms, we will play with colors while weaving stripes, add in double threads, use pick up sticks and floats, and use our imagination to make a beautiful 7" X 16" weaving! This is an opportunity to practice plain weave, hemstitching, learn the basic concepts of weaving and looms, but also be creative and original in your design. Your beautiful weaving creation will be transformed into a jazzy notebook cover or jazz bag (Your choice!). (Instructor will help with sewing, and all supplies are provided).

The center will have Rigid Heddle looms pre-warped for this class. Come ready to weave! Students will be practicing with plain weave to create a bag or notebook cover, experimenting with alternating stripes, colors, adding double threads, and pick up sticks - the options are many! They will learn the basics of hemstitching, weaving and looms.

The final piece that students will be making is an 8" x 16" weaving. Peg will sew them into a small bag or notebook cover for the students to take home at the end of the class.

About Peg Ickes: The Rigid Heddle Loom can be a great place to start your weaving journey, but it is also an amazing loom in its own right, with so much potential for discovery! When learning how to weave years ago, Peg discovered there were very few in-person RHL instructors. So this RHL class is specifically designed to provide participants the opportunity to have plenty of support, guidance (and fun!) as you learn to explore the wonderful world of the RHL. Peg's goal is to demystify weaving and make it accessible to anyone who might have felt intimidated to learn. This will be a supportive learning experience, with opportunities for us to learn together.


Fun and Easy Origami with Hari Kaur: Sunday, November 17th