Learn to Design and Weave on an Inkle Loom
with Annie MacHale:
Saturday, March 22nd: 10:30am-5:30pm

Learn to Design and Weave on an Inkle Loom
with Annie MacHale:

Saturday, March 22nd

Members: $120
Non-Members: $150
Youth (Ages 12-18): $75
Class Minimum: 3
Class Max:12

No weaving experience required! Learn the ABC’s of Inkle weaving in this wonderful weaving workshop.

Grab your Inkle Loom and join Annie March 22nd.

The inkle loom is a simple tool for weaving useful everyday items. In this workshop, students will learn the techniques and artistry of inkle weaving from someone with over 4 decades as an exclusive inkle loom weaver.

Students will have the opportunity to look at samples and graphic aids to learn how to use elements of color theory and pattern design to create endless variations on their own. They will also learn two methods of creating patterns using a free online tool and a chart-paper method. Students will then warp and weave the designs they create or ones supplied by the instructor.

Annie will share tips for warping, making heddles, fixing mistakes, starting and stopping, and keeping selvages straight. She will also demonstrate how to temporarily remove and replace the warp, as well as how to cut the final project off the loom and handle it when it is complete.

Materials Students Must Provide:
An Inkle loom
30 string or Texsolf heddles which fit the loom
Belt shuttle
Note-taking materials
Smooth non-stretchy yarn in 3 or more colors. (Yarn should be 24 or LESS wraps per inch)
Optional: laptop or tablet to use with an online design program

Materials Provided by Instructor:
Printed patterns
Chartin paper
Rubber mats
Popsicle sticks

If you have Loom related questions for this class, please contact Annie MacHale at iweavestraps@gmail.com

Please note: this is a 7 hour class! There will be breaks, but please bring lunch, snacks, beverages and a water bottle to keep up your strength.

About Annie MacHale: At the age of seventeen, Annie MacHale first discovered the inkle loom, sparking a lifelong love affair. She built her first loom in 1976 with the help of her dad and a library book. Since then she’s woven miles of bands including over 1,200 guitar straps. She loves to play with color and pattern and finds the inkle loom a very satisfying way to do this. Annie is known to many through her blog, ASpinnerWeaver.com. The popularity of her patterns shared there has led to the 2019 publication of a book, “In Celebration of Plain Weave: Color and Design Inspiration for Inkle Weavers”. This was followed by another book in 2021, “Three-Color Pickup for Inkle Weavers: A Modern Look at an Ancient Baltic-Style Technique” in which she shares a rare, older Lithuanian technique which has fallen out of use. In her workshops she shares her decades of experience as a weaver working exclusively on inkle looms, her unique insight into working with color, and her discovery of three-color pickup. You can see Annie’s work at: www.ASpinnerWeaver.com

Class COVID-19 policy: There are no COVID-19 restrictions for this class. Please do not come to class if you are feeling sick, and it is always advised to wear a mask if you are comfortable doing so.

Class cancellation policy: Please note: All Class cancellations are charged a $15 processing fee in addition to the following policy: Class cancellations 7 days or less prior to first day of class will receive no refund. 8-13 days before beginning of class, students will receive an 80% refund. 14 days or more before beginning of class: Full refund.


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