Machine Knit Like a Pro!
with Kate Jacobsen:
May 3rd-4th, 2025, 10:30am-4:30pm

Machine Knit Like a Pro!
with Kate Jacobsen

May 3rd & 4th

Member: $210 member
Non-Member: $$240
Ages: 16+, Max participants: 5

From zero to making a garment, or abstract knit piece in just 2 days! Kate will be teaching the basic understanding of machine operation and wide range of manipulations to make original cloth. Students will be provided knitting machines during the class.

If you have already taken Machine Knitting with Kate, or feel as though you have a small understanding of Machine Knit, this class is also for you!
Kate will be teaching both beginner’s and 102 students in this class. Feel free to brush up on your Machine Knit skills today!

Subject matter in this course will include a teaching of the basics, re-cap of basics, and if applicable: moving on to garment shaping, seaming and finishing, as well as punch card, mock rib, weaving, and intarsia. 

Students are allowed to focus on their preference. Students may bring in their own machine, if they know it is in working order. Otherwise, machines are provided. Some yarn is included for experimenting, but you may bring yarn as well. If you have questions about skill requirements for this course, please feel free to contact the Instructor, Kate Jacobsen at

There will be no materials fee for this course.

As this is a long class, please bring lunch, snacks, and water!

About Kate Jacobsen: Kate has been machine knitting since 1986, and she has made it a career since 1997. Kate Jacobsen had a fashion design company from 1998 to 2010. She taught machine knitting in the Fashion Dept. at the School for the Art Institute of Chicago for 6 years, including extra workshops for senior classes. Other aspects of her career have included theater, circus and movie costuming, as well as acting onstage and film.

Class COVID-19 policy: There are no COVID-19 restrictions for this class. Please do not come to class if you are feeling sick, and it is always advised to wear a mask if you are comfortable doing so.

Class cancellation policy: Please note: All Class cancellations are charged a $15 processing fee in addition to the following policy: Class cancellations 7 days or less prior to first day of class will receive no refund. 8-13 days before beginning of class, students will receive an 80% refund. 14 days or more before beginning of class: Full refund.


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