Fiber Pottery:
Making the Wave Bowl
with Robbie Berg: Saturday, March 15th

Fiber Pottery:
Making the Wave Bowl
with Robbie Berg:

Saturday, March 15th

Member: $85
Non-Member: $100
Limit: 15 participants
Materials Fee (Paid directly to instructor upon arrival): $20
 Beginner to intermediate sewing experience.

Join Robbie Berg, March 15th, to create fiber bowls and baskets with clothesline, thread, and fabric. 

The Wave Bowl or Basket is created using a specific wrapping technique and silk ribbon. We will be using ribbon to sew and embellish bowls and baskets.

 In this workshop students will: 

• Discuss the technique to achieve strong bowls and baskets with a sewing machine 

• Learn how to prep our materials 

• Begin wrapping and sewing a bowl or basket 

• Discuss the ways finish, embellish, and use our fiber pottery. 

Materials students should provide: 

• A sewing machine with zig zag stich if you have one: (EVFAC will have some available, see registration form) 

• Scissors 

• Also bring thread to match or contrast the fabric.

• Please bring a notebook and pencil. 

Materials instructor will provide: 

Clothesline cord, tape to join lengths of cord, silk ribbon, and size 14 or 16 Jeans needle for each participant. 

Because we’ll be working through the lunch hour, please bring food and beverages to keep your strength up.

About Robbie Berg: Fabric and design have been a life-long love for Robbie. She started sewing and designing in high school which was many years ago.  Robbie continued with clothing design and sewed for 7 weddings and numerous other special events.  For several years she sewed school clothes for her daughters and each of her three children always had a custom Halloween costume.  About 15 years ago she was fortunate to be included in a circle of women who quilted and has been hooked on all types of fiber.  She was awarded the President's Choice ribbon at the Clark County Guild show in 2014 for her Mariner's Compass paper pieced quilt.  More recently, she has branched out to making fiber pottery baskets and bags.  Robbie currently represented by two galleries for her fiber pottery and enjoys teaching others to create fiber pottery. You can view Robbie’s work on her website: Please Contact Robbie with any questions here:

Class COVID-19 policy: There are no COVID-19 restrictions for this class. Please do not come to class if you are feeling sick, and it is always advised to wear a mask if you are comfortable doing so.

Class cancellation policy: Please note: All Class cancellations are charged a $15 processing fee in addition to the following policy: Class cancellations 7 days or less prior to first day of class will receive no refund. 8-13 days before beginning of class, students will receive an 80% refund. 14 days or more before beginning of class: Full refund.


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