Introduction to Silk Screen Lab: Printing a Single Color Design with David Sloan
Introduction to Silk Screen Lab: Printing a Single Color Design with David Sloan
This introductory course teaches you the ABC’s of silk screening. With this knowledge you will be able to rent the silk screening lab, and continue your silk screen explorations. Students must be EVFAC members to rent the silk screen lab.
Day 1: Students learn how to prepare screens and art work. Screens are first coated with emulsion, which then dries over-night in a light tight room. After this, artwork is prepared on the computer while being assisted by David.
Day 2: Artwork is exposed onto the emulsion coated screen, and then the printing process begins using water based silk screen inks to explore the many possibilities with color mixing and printing on your hand made design. For printing old clothing and scrap fabric work great, t-shirts, pillowcases, whatever you can think of!
Designs for the class: Students must bring their single color designs to the first day of class. Designs must be high contrast, and a single color: think: a logo, or a few printed words, or just a graphic image, line art, etc. This can be hand drawn, if a single color.
This introductory course will teach you the ABC’s of silk screening. With this knowledge you will be able to rent the lab, and continue your silk screen career. Students muse be EVFAC to rent the silk screen lab.