Give Spinning a Whorl
with Joy Getha:
Friday, November 8th

Friday, November 8th

Members: $50
Non-Members: $60
Limit: 4 participants
Ages 12+
Materials fee (Paid directly to the instructor upon arrival): $20

Complete beginners learn how to draft prepared wool and spin, on both a drop spindle and a spinning wheel. EVERYTHING is provided: wool, spindles, wheels, and a handout for taking notes. The handout has a list of definitions of spinning terms, and a description of how fiber is prepared for spinning.

Expect an in-depth learning experience with this small class size of only 4 students! Come prepared to learn and have fun at the center.

Please bring a pen and notebook for taking notes.

There will be a break for lunch, please bring a packed lunch.

About Joy Getha: Joy has been into fiber arts since she learned to knit at age 8 (in the last century). She learned to crochet at 18, and how to spin at 40. Now she does all three, in addition to dyeing, and teaches all of it. She lives in White Rock with her husband Johnny and their cat Chloe.

Class COVID-19 policy: There are no COVID-19 restrictions for this class. Please do not come to class if you are feeling sick, and it is always advised to wear a mask if you are comfortable doing so.

Class cancellation policy: Class cancellations 7 days or less prior to first day of class will receive no refund. 8-13 days before beginning of class, students will receive an 80% refund. 14 days or more before beginning of class: Full refund.


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